FORUM Gewinnspiel


  Powerful microcontroller, more memory meaning bigger programs, more pins for more I/O.

100% compatible with Arduino IDE software

Technical Specifications:

bullet Atmega644P core
bullet 32 total general purpose I/O pins (some are multipurpose)
bullet 8 analog pins
bullet 6 PWM pins
bullet 64K flash memory
bullet 4K RAM
bullet 2K EEPROM
bullet 100% open source

Step 1: Install Arduino Software
The Sanguino uses the Arduino Software IDE and adds some small modifications to support this board. First, you'll need to install the Arduino software. If you already have it installed, then go to next step.

Step 2: Install Sanguino Software
Visit the Sanguino Software download page and download the latest version of the Sanguino software.

2.1 Copy Folders
Unzip the Sanguino software file. It contains some folders that need to be copied into the Arduino software directory.
Copy sanguino-software-1.x/cores/sanguino to arduino-0012/hardware/cores/sanguino
Copy sanguino-software-1.x/bootloaders/atmega644p to arduino-0012/hardware/bootloaders/atmega644p
Copy all the folders in sanguino-software-1.x/libraries/ to arduino-0012/hardware/libraries/ overwriting the existing libraries.

2.2 Edit boards.txt
Open the Arduino file located at arduino-0012/hardware/boards.txt and append the text from sanguino-software-1.x/boards.txt to the end of the arduino boards.txt file.
Open the file in either Wordpad or Notepad for windows or use gedit or nano or your favorite editor on Linux distros.

2.3 Restart Arduino IDE Software
Restart (or start) your Arduino host software. From the Tools -> Board menu, select the Sanguino board. You will now be able to use your Sanguino board just as you would a normal Arduino board

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